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About this mod
This mod will replace all in-game vanilla spirit ashes or add another variant of that one.
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This mod currently works with : Elden Ring Version 1.13 (Calibrations Ver 1.13.2)
(Check Legacy Version For Version 1.12.3 - 1.12.4)
- This mod already has "Unlocked Spirit Ashes " mod built-in. (Summon in more Areas)
- All spirit ashes will follow you everywhere except a few special ones.
This Mod Does Work WithSummon Ashes Anywhere Let you summon ALMOST everywhere
How to Install:
- Backup of your save.
- Backup of your regulation.bin file located in your game's folder.
- Place this mod regulation file in your game's folder.
- Launch the game in offline mode with EAC disabled.
Detailed Changes:
Notes: - Legacy Version - 2.0 Version (DLC Update)
- Spirit Jellyfish Ashes + Spirit Jellyfish Aureliette This will make Aurelia jellyfish not talking to her sister in a late game Quest, you could still swap out regulation file to finish the quest and get the item then swap the mod file back in, this just make them stop talking not completely break the quest, the other unconventional way is let 2nd summon copy of Aureliette killed then Aurelia will talk to the original one
- Rotten Stray Ashes >> Giant Dog
- Warhawk Ashes + Stormhawk Deenh + Warhawk Flamethrower beak
- Lone Wolf Ashes >> x2 Alpha Wolf + Red Wolf of Radagon
- Fanged Imp Ashes + Imp (Long-Tongued), Imp (Cat), Imp Wolf + Bigmouth Imp + Imp Lion (Hatchet) + Imp Lion (Great Sword)
- Albinauric Ashes >> x5 Sanguine 2nd Gen Albinauric
- Winged Misbegotten Ashes >> Leonine Misbegotten
- Latenna the Albinauric + Direwolf
- Man-Serpent Ashes + Man-Serpent (Magma Blade) + Zorayas The Scout (Man-Serpent Shell)
- Soldjars of Fortune Ashes + Iron Fist Alexander
- Demi-Human Ashes +Demi-Human Chief + Demi-Human Queen Margot
- Nomad Ashes >> x2 Starcaller + Onyx Alabaster Lord
- Azula Beastman Ashes + 3 Azula Beastman (Curved Sword, Shield/Caster/ Throwing Knife)
- Ancestral Follower Ashes + White RuneBear
- Wandering Noble Ashes + 1 Wandering Noble +2 Commoner +2 Noble Sorcerer
- Vulgar Militia Ashes >> x3 Vulgar Militia (Shotel /Saw /Chain-Sickle) + 3 Highwayman + Patches
- Kaiden Sellsword Ashes + 1 Kaiden Sellsword + 2 Lone Wolf
- Noble Sorcerer Ashes >> Sorcerer Rogier + Sorcerer Thops
- Page Ashes + 1 Page + High Page
- Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes >> x2 Grave Warden-Duelist (Hammer/Axe)
- Archer Ashes >> x3 Assassin theme Tarnished (Rot,Poison, Throwing Knife)
- Bloodhound Knight Floh + Ancient Hero of Zamor
- Black Knife Tiche + Alecto Black Knife Ring Leader
- Crystalian Ashes + 2 Crystalian (Staff/Spear)
- Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes + Twinsage Sorcerer (Alternate) + Glintstone Sorcerer (Karolos) + 2 Glintstone Sorcerer (Lazuli)
- Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet + Melina + LightSeeker Hyetta > Equipments and Incantations changes
- Land Squirt Ashes >> Sanguine Noble + Esgar Priest of Blood + Lesser Sanguine Noble (Invader)
- Battlemage Hugues + Lusat & Azur Primeval Sorcerer Theme Tarnished
- Fire Monk Ashes + Fire Monk (Curved Sword) + Fire Sage Tarnished
- Blackflame Monk Ashes + Blackflame Monk (Curved Sword) + Blackflame Apostle Tarnished
- Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet >> SnowWitch Tarnish (Moon, Cold Sorceries)
- Kindred of Rot Ashes >> Giant Skeleton Torso + Necromancer Commoner + 4 Catacomb Skeleton (Curved Sword, Shield/ FirePot/ Bow/ Curved Sword)
- Skeletal Militiaman Ashes + Skeletal Knight+ Skeletal Militiaman (Crossbow) + Skeleton Giant (Cleaver)
- Skeletal Bandit Ashes + 1 Skeletal Bandit + Skeletal Grave Warden + Skeleton Giant (Glaive)
- Mausoleum Soldier Ashes + 3 Mausoleum Soldier (Crossbow, Hammer/ Crossbow, Sword/ Spear Shield)
- Lhutel the Headless + 2 Mausoleum Knight (Greatbow/ Greatsword)
- Stormhawk Deenh >>x2 Night Cavalrymen (Flail/Glaive) (NO MOUNT)
- Giant Rat Ashes >> Troll – Troll FlameSword (at +5) –Troll Knight ( at + 10)
- Dung Eater Puppet + 2 Omen Accursed (Cleaver/ Axe)
- Marionette Soldier Ashes -1 + 3 Marionette Soldier (SpikedSpear/ Magic Pot/ Sword, Fire Pot) + 2 Avionette Soldier ( Curved Sword ,Fire Pot/ Scythe, Fire Pot)
- Greatshield Soldier Ashes + Archer Ashes +1 Fallen Hawnk Company ( Spear, GreatShield/ Sword, Shield)
- Avionette Soldier Ashes >> Large Exile Soldier (GreatAxe)+ 5 Exile Soldier (Torch Pole, Trumpet/ Spear, Shield/ Crossbow/ Sword, Shield)
- Nightmaiden & Swordstress Puppets + Nox Monk
- Perfumer Tricia + Omenkiller Rollo +Depraved Perfumer Carmaan
- Depraved Perfumer Carmaan >> Blaidd the Half-Wolf
- Omenkiller Rollo >> Elemer of The Briar
- Miranda Sprout Ashes >> Millicent + 4 Millicent’s Sisters (Polyanna – Blade of Calling/ Maureen – TreeSpear/ Amy – Flowing Curved
Sword/ Mary – Halo Scythe)
- Cleanrot Knight Finlay + 2 Cleanrot Knight (Sickle/ Spear)
- Clayman Ashes >> Demolition Specialists Tarnished (JarCannon, One-Eyed Shield, Explosive Stone/ Fire Pot Thrower,…)> Equipments and Incantations changes
- Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes >> 5 Knights Theme Tarnished (2 Polearm/ Shield Sword/ Flail, GreatShield/ Claymore)
- Godrick Soldier Ashes + 2 Godrick Foot Soldier (Crossbow /Spear)+ 2 Godrick Knight (Spear Shield/ Blood Obsessed Knight)
- Raya Lucaria Soldier Ashes + Raya Lucaria Soldier (Sword, Shield) + 2 Cuckoo Knight (Greatsword/ Magic Spear)
- Haligtree (Foot) Soldier Ashes -2 + 4 Haligtree Soldier (Sword,Torch/ Sword Shield/ Crossbow/ GreatSword) + 2 Haligtree Knight (Spear, Shield/ GreatSword)
- Leyndell Soldier Ashes >> 4 Frenzied Leyndell Soldier (Hammer/ Greatsword/ Spear Shield) + 4 Frenzied Leyndell Foot Soldier(Spear/ Crossbow/ Dagger/ Torch Pole) + 1 Frenzied Leyndell Knight
- Redmane Knight Ogha + 2 Redmane Knight (Flame GreatSword/Flame Spear)
- Radahn Soldier Ashes + Radahn Soldier Ashes+ 2 Radahn Foot Soldier (Torch Pole/ Dagger Fire Pot)
- Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff + 2 Leyndell Knight (GreatBow/GreatSword)
- Banished Knight Engvall >> x2 Crucible Knight (Sword/Spear) + Crucible Knight Devonia (Hammer)
- Banished Knight Oleg >> x3 Spectral Banished Knight (SwordShield/ Halberd/ Dual Sword) + Alter Armor
- Putrid Corpse Ashes >> Flamespitter + Heavy Ballista + Explosive Ballista + 5 Exile Soldier (it’s very inconsistent for them to use the emplacements, u need to summon them with the enemies outside their view range and lure enemies towards them to make them use the emplacements)
- Mimic Tear Ashes + 1 Mimic Tear Ashes
- Nepheli Loux Puppet >> x3 ErdTree Knights (HammerShield/ ErdTree Shield, Golden Halberd/ Golden Order Great Sword) + Holy/Golden Order/ ErdTree Incantations> Incantations changes
- Oracle Envoy Ashes >> Malenia Blade of Miquella
- Jarwight Puppet >> Let Me Solo Her
- Curseblade Meera > Dancer of Ranah & Custom Dancer
- BloodFiend Hexer's Ashes > PureBlood Knight Ansbach & Rakshasa (More Skills)
- Gravebird Ashes + Gravebird (Sleep) + Gravebird (Spectal Light Rings)
- Fire Knight Hilde > Fire Knight (GreatSword) + Fire Knight Elite (Greatsword) + Fire Knight Caster + Fire Knight (ShortSword)
- Spider Scorpion Ashes > x3 Putrescent Sorcerer + x5 Dark Catacomb Skeleton (Sword, Shield/ Sword/ Long Sword/ FirePot/ Bow)
- Demi-human Swordman Yosh + Demi-human Swordman Onve
- Messmer Soldiers Ashes > x6Messmer Soldiers (Fire Spear/ Spear, FireCoil/ Axe/ Shield, axe/ Torch/ Bow) + x4Messmer Foot Soldiers (Sword/ Torchpole/ Dagger/ Spear)
- Black Knight Commander Andreas + Black Knight Commander Huw + Black Knight (Greatbow)
- Black Knight Commander Huw > 2x Death Knight (Dual Axes/ Long Axe)
- Bigmouth Imp Ashes > x2 Large Bigmouth Imps + GIANT Bigmouth Imp
- Man-Fly Ashes > x2 Kungfu Monks Theme Tarnish
- Taylew The Golem Smith + 2 Golem Smith (Lava bowl/ Club) (With Original Size)
- Horned Warrior Ashes + Horned Warrior Dual Swords
- Divine Bird Warrior Ornis + Divine Bird Warrior Greatsword
- Inquisitor Ashes > x3 Divine Lion Warrior (Storm/ Ice/ Lightning)
- Ancient Dragon Florissax + Ancient Dragon Man + Drake Warrior Igon
- Fingercreeper Ashes > Rellana Twin Moon Knight
- Fire Knight Queelign + x2 Custom Fire Knight Theme Tarnish
- Swordhand of Night Jolán + Swordhand of Night Anna + Night Knight Theme Tarnish (May break the Quest, not tested)
-Swordhand of Night Jolán and Anna > x3 Miquella Light Knights Theme Tarnish